Meet the New Bond Villain!

What great things happen!
After dragging my heels for quite a while - life does get in the way - I finally joined The Society of Authors. And it is a good feeling too. I can now consider myself part of an elite group - and the membership card looks nice!

To keep in practise for the forthcoming talk on the Bela Lugosi classic Dracula (1931), I did another talk for a ladies group at Deckham Village Hall on 6 March. It took place in the dinning room & it was an extremely pleasant time. Although it wasn't quite their thing, the ladies enjoyed it immensely. So much so Angela the organiser has put my name forward to a couple more groups.

Later that day I went for a photoshoot. Now that I'm well and truly out of Old Man Goat, having a second book deal, & being pencilled in for a couple of big local events, it is time to update the business cards with a few recent portrait pictures. If I say so myself , they are not bad at all. One friend described the above photo as 'Fearsome intellectual with just a hint of Bond villain!'

Bit of a short blog today. Now I need to spend the next few evenings working on the Lugosi/Dracula talk for the Darlington Film Club. This will be held at the Music Forum, Darlington on 18 March. Tickets now on sale.

It is a wonderful venue so please get along if you can.