I Am An Author. Hear Me Speak.
The books have been ordered for my scheduled talk on Saturday 13 February, and as I speak, Peter Cumisky will be sorting out tickets for the event as well as sending out a press release to the local media with the possibility of some coverage on Cursed Horror Stars from the local tabloids The Journal and The Chronicle.
The thought of doing a talk at one of Newcastle’s city centre’s most historic landmarks (The Great Hall of the Castle Keep) fills me with awe. As it’s a special screening of Bela Lugosi’s Chiller White Zombie, the next step is to get a 20 minute talk sorted out on both the film and its star (with a Q & A session afterwards). It may sound an easy task, but believe me it isn’t. This is my first big talk and I have a lot to prove. Also, acting as MC to this event is Leigh Venus, former manager of Newcastle’s famous Tyneside Cinema. I now feel a wonderful sense of importance without being too smug.
As far as other stuff goes, a friend told me I’ve had a mention in the webmag New Writing North. I’ve written and submitted a 200 word blog to the Swanwick Writers newsletter. I am certainly indebted to the Swanwick Writers’ Retreat and of course to the many friends I have made during my eventful few years attending the retreat. Who knows? I may end up giving a talk there. Not an easy task considering I have to stand in front of an audience of 400 plus people!
The Crack Magazine is pretty much in circulation around the various pubs, clubs and music venues across the North East. I was meeting a few musicians friends at the Central Bar (the best real ale pub in Gateshead), and when I walked in I saw a pile of magazines on display. It certainly made my night out.
To add to a memorable week, the book and I have been mentioned in a work newsletter, and already I received a couple of emails asking for the link!
So far so good! It makes for a good holiday!